Exploring the Potential of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) and Aragon’s Latest Developments in Crypto News
Today, we’re going to be looking at a lot of things, including DAOs and a very easy generator for DAOs. That’s why I’m super intrigued, because there are many uses for a decentralized autonomous organization, and you may remember Aragon, which always makes me think of Aragorn. This is a token that had a lot of popularity in the 2017–2018 era of cryptocurrency, but many people never really did much after that. But that could be changing. Maybe this isn’t the best case for the coin, but they have launched a modular, adaptable, easy-to-use stack called Aragon for OS X and an Aragon app. This stack is live on Ethereum mainnet, and what exactly is going on with easy-to-use tools for every builder? Their OS X is lean by design. Smart contracts lay the foundation, but the app is what’s user-friendly, with no coding involved and on OS X, It’s the framework, security, and flexibility. This is for developers, right, but it’s the app that is way more exciting. So I’ve already connected my MetaMask in the top right. You click the top right button and you connect your MetaMask account. So, by literally just connecting your MetaMask, you can now create a DAO. This is very cool. With this you can mint tokens, you can set governance parameters, can deploy your DAO on-chain, and it’s not just Ethereum. They’ve already added support for Polygon. So I click on Create DAO right Step. I’m going to go ahead and select my blockchain. So let’s say I want to go to Layer 2. I want to use Polygon because it has cheaper fees. We can start putting in information.
Creating a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) with Mintable Tokens and Token Holder Voting
We can name the DAO. We need a description right? Then we go next. Who can participate, right? Token holders’ tokens act as voting chips. The more tokens you hold, the more weight they have. Your vote has One token equals one vote. You could also do multi-sig. Only multi-sig members can vote. That’s fun. Why not? And so we distribute the tokens and how these are distributed right. So, let’s just say we want 100 tokens. We get all of those, and then we go next. For here there are more parameters, but my point is just that quickly. We just created a DAO. With this DAO, we can have decentralized governance and mintable tokens. This is really cool, and I think that some people will glaze over this and not realize what a critical thing to bring to market, especially for so many businesses. This is going to open the door for so many businesses to pivot from being centralized to decentralized. At least in some form, shape, or manner, don’t forget that ShapeShift completely just deleted their centralized company and their public entity and became a full-blown DAO. That’s cool. Obviously, I just gave a quick crash course on it. They have a whole guide on how to launch a DAO.
What I’d love to know is, if you have any reason you can make a DAO, please drop it down in the comments below. Let me know what you’re doing, what you’re making a DAO for, or where you think a DAO would be best implemented.
Crypto Mining Booms with Millions of Dollars of New Coins Mined in 24 Hours
Looking at just the mission in the last 24 hours, Bitcoin put out a whopping 28 million dollars and Dogecoin put out 1.3 million dollars of new coins. If you add Litecoin to that equation because they’re merge-mined, that’s another two million dollars, and so many of these other cryptocurrencies, even on this limited list, illustrate how much money is up for grabs.
Memento introduces digital collectables through NFTs and social media content.
So people are on NFTs, right? And maybe NFT isn’t the cool word to say anymore; I mean, Memento is calling them digital collectables, and they’re based on this all-around social media content. And when you open this application, which I’ll get to in more detail later, Here, in a second, it really looks like a TikTok clone, but imagine TikTok with NFTs as a crypto guy. That really intrigues me. And what they’re really trying to do here is create and collect social content, as well as sell limited edition content to the community. Is there really a market for that? Do people want that? There have been some cases that have proven that that is the case, like the NBA Top Shots which rose and fell in that category. There are many other examples as well. And don’t forget that one girl was selling her used bathwater. The new NFT platform offers unlockable perks for athletes and celebrities. So there are some people out there who will buy anything. Yes, indeed. This isn’t just some new app, though. This is the article on Forbes from a year ago, where Rodriguez, who’s leading this project, boasted that there are already 55,000 users, and they’re growing fast. That was a year ago, so let’s dive into the app real quick because, by the way, they’ve got a giveaway going on, giving away 100 bucks for those that download the app.
So I come in here. I open the application, and it throws me right into a video. You know that behind the scenes, when I unlock this unlockable, there are perks that come with your NFT purchase. So, for example, some things here will be meet and greet tickets and merchandise live streams. So I mean, it’s interesting to see how, especially for athletes and celebrities, a platform like this could have a lot of utility for them.
They have an innovative approach to meet and greets: Digital Collectibles as Tickets on the Memento Platform. Instead of just selling a meet and greet add-on, I’d rather have some kind of digital collectable that also served as my ticket for the meet and greet. And how cool would it be if we loaded that with the picture of me meeting and greeting that celebrity? check out Memento at the link below. Oh the drama, it never stops in cryptocurrency, uh
Memento Platform
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